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How to Archive Emails in Lotus Notes?

It has been a very older problem that Lotus notes users have to suffer from the storage problems while doing daily basis task. The main reason behind this is receiving and storing a large number of emails daily.

So to don’t miss out on any important emails almost every user prefer to keep them in its mailbox. And gradually the Lotus notes mailbox space gets full.

Recent Query By the User [Daniel Phelps]

I used to work with Lotus notes email client daily and respond to all my business emails daily. But sometimes it gets difficult for me to take the backup of important emails for a specific date. Is there any way so that I can archive emails in Lotus notes and manged my Mailbox size. Let me know if you can solve my query.

Hence the best practice to overcome this problem is to archive emails in Lotus notes. So you can selectively put the important emails in a separate place. And by doing this users can free up space from the mailbox of Lotus notes.

That’s the reason you should read out this whole article where you are going to know the free method to archive Lotus notes emails to local disk. Without wasting any time let’s get started.

What is Lotus Notes Archiving?

It is the process where the user copied some items from the Lotus notes database and paste it on a specified location. And the best part is Lotus notes provide the inbuilt feature to archive emails in Lotus notes.

By doing this you can improve the speed of your system and free up some space from the Lotus Notes mailbox. And the users get the authority to archive the database according to the date.

Lotus Notes File get corrupt? No worry here is the Solution to Recover Corrupted Lotus Notes Archive File

Advantages to Archive Emails in Lotus Notes

  • First thing users can manage the mailbox size and the chances of size limit related error gets decreased.
  • By reducing the load from the mail server you will see impovement in its performance.
  • You can take the backup of important emails with the help of Lotus notes archiving.
  • Files can be easily managed because when you archive any file you’ll provide another location where the file gets saved. So when you need the file you can easily access it.

Solution to Archive Emails in Lotus Notes

In starting steps we will do the archive settings for creating the archive database. Just follow each step carefully:-

  • Go to tools section and under the drag down list select archive settings button.
  • In next window you will get a preview of three options. Do click on Basics.
  • Tap on change button to make the settings workstation to workstation [it save database under the local machine].
  • After that visit settings > edit and choose the required option.
  • Under the window of archive criteria settings provide name to the archived folder.
  • Make sure to tick the Copy All Documents Into My Archive Database option. And and a little below that select Delete Older Documents From This Database button.
  • Tap on select documents for start archiving the folders.
  • In next screen drag down the all documents option and choose marked as expired button. Means to archive those emails which are going to expire after a limited period of time.
  • If you like to allows this condition on all folders mark the In These Views Or Folders option. And start choosing the folders you like to archive and tap OK.

A Solution to Take Backup of Larger Amount of NSF file Data

The manual approach is used to archive emails in Lotus Notes but emails must be few in amount. Because it’s a manual technique if you have 1000, 10000, or more emails in your NSF mailbox then manually archiving each email is not possible.

Hence the SysInspire NSF to PST Converter can be used in this case. It has no boundation on NSF mailbox size and you can use this tool for taking the backup of your NSF file data in PST or another format. After getting the resultant file you can access any email client that supports it.

archive emails with the tool
Conversion Formats the Tool Offers

Best Point:- If the NSF file gets corrupt no manual method will work. But this NSF Converter repairs the NSF file and gives a preview of NSF data to convert the data items selectively. The working process of this tool is very cool and superb within a single minute it scans out your whole NSF file.

Final Words

Archiving is the best-inbuilt feature by Lotus notes which is used by users for many purposes that we mentioned here. And also mentioned the complete guide on how to archive lotus notes emails. And if you have a larger amount of data it is better to go with the third party NSF to PST Converter tool. You can have the backup copy of your NSF file data into various formats through this tool.

About SysInspire

SysInspire Software always designed product to help clients relating to Email Conversion, Data Migration, Forensic Tool and many more..

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